Reference: The SPAB Research Report 1: The U-value Report. Revised 2012 (2012) Rye, C. and Scott, C.

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Abstract or summary

The SPAB Research Report 1 U-value Report sets out the findings out of research work carried out into the subject of the heat loss (U-values) of traditionally built walls. The report provides a brief background description of the origins of this project and sets out the scope of its enquiry, this is followed by a chapter which gives an account of the methodologies involved in both the measurements and calculation of U-values. There is then a section on the results from the previous three year\'s worth of in situ U-value monitoring, where the walls under examination are broken down into various descriptive sub-headings and their thermal performance as measured in situ is scrutinised. This section is then followed by an examination of this in situ performance in relation to that predicted for the same walls by means of a standard U-value calculation procedure and compares and contrasts the two sets of U-values. The report concludes with a discussion of the consequences of the discrepancy between measured and calculated U-values with regard to the refurbishment of solid walls and the reduction of heat loss from traditional buildings.

Research Report 1 was first published in October 2010, this is the second revised edition published in November 2012.